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Piggy Points

What are piggy points?

Piggy Points is PCA's point system for students! Students can earn Piggy Points that can be redeemed for small prizes! Piggy Points are given out by teachers every now and then and can also be earned by doing good things! Learn more about Piggy Points below.

See how many points you have here!

Prize board:

Below are the current prizes offered. These prizes can be redeemed using Piggy Points.

To redeem your points for a prize, contact the school:


Send a DM to @officialpca on Instagram

OR email (school Principal)

Student shoutout:

Doll student will be featured in a shoutout post on the school's Instagram!

Student can give a message to fellow students, share a fact about themselves, etc!

Cost: 6 Piggy Points

Newspaper Feature:

Doll student will be able to work with the Newspaper Team, who can write and publish an article for them in the school newspaper! The article can be facts about the student, a story from the student, etc!

Cost: 8 Piggy Points

2 EXtra credit points:

Doll student will be able to get 2 extra credit points added to ANY ONE assignment in any of their classes, which can help their grade on the assignment.

These points can help replace points lost from getting questions wrong on that assignment, which can come in handy to improve their grade!

Cost: 6 Piggy Points

4 EXtra credit points:

Doll student will be able to get 4 extra credit points added to ANY ONE assignment in any of their classes, which can help their grade on the assignment.

These points can help replace points lost from getting questions wrong on that assignment, which can come in handy to improve their grade!

Cost: 8 Piggy Points

Have a prize idea? Let us know!

How to earn points:

Piggy Points are given out randomly from time to time by teachers and in giveaways. To get good chances of obtaining Piggy Points, here's some tips!


  • Be kinds & respectful to students AND staff.

    • Everyone deserves respect here!​

  • Try to keep up with your grades!​

    • We want to reward hard workers.​

  • Complete your assignments on time.​

  • Be honest.​

    • Take responsibility for your work & actions.​

  • Help other students out when you can!​

    • We love to see teamwork & leadership.​

  • Please do not ask for Piggy Points!​

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