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What's "Discord"?

Discord is a simple software/app that we at PCA are now using to communicate (staff & students).

Since not every person has social media, it can be hard to get in touch share news, get help, etc, so Discord

makes it easier to do this. Everything is all in one place and easy to use!


You can ask your teachers questions in chat boxes there, etc.


Is it required?

Yes. You will need to create a Discord before you register!

Don't worry, it's quick & easy and we're going to show you how to do so.


What platforms is it on?

Discord is available for both computers and mobile devices.

There are apps for mobile devices and there is both a desktop software and website for computers.





Windows Mobile:



Windows & Mac:


Step 1:

Create a Discord account.



This account should be a doll account. 

The account's username & profile picture should be appropriate.

Step 2:

Once your Discord account is created, you may then proceed to register HERE. Please do not register without making the Discord account FIRST. We may have to turn away registrations if a Discord account name is not given to us/account was not created there first, so be sure to make one before registering!


Please be sure to give us your full Discord username!

That full username needs to include the NUMBERS (#____) as well!

YES EXAMPLE:    JohnDoe#5467         NO EXAMPLE:    JohnDoe

Step 3:

You can join the server here: 


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