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PCA Staff sign-up

Positions Available


Chances are, if you're viewing this page right now you might have interest in applying to become a PCA staff member. If

you see that positions are available (check the status above) you are welcome to apply below as long as you meet the requirements to do so. We would be happy to see you!

What does a PCA staff

Well, we have a two main positions offered at PCA:

  • Teachers

    • Teachers manage their own classes by creating assignments online for their students and grading them in the gradebook when the time comes.​

  • Student Help/Social Media Managers​

    • These staff members try to help answer student questions on both Discord and Instagram.​

Application Requirements & Important Note:


As much as we would like to, we unfortunately cannot accept every single person who applies to become a staff member.

Please keep in mind that NOT every person who applies will be accepted. We have to review applications carefully.

Please also note that we have a few requirements from ALL applicants, so make sure you meet these requirements before you submit an application:


  • ALL staff members MUST have computer access.

    • NO exceptions! ​Creating assignments, managing classes, etc requires the use of a computer.

    • You must have consistent access to one.

  • ALL staff members MUST be hardworking.​

    • Being a staff member isn't hard. In fact, it's fun!​ However, it of course requires that staff should be willing to work hard and have some fun!

  • ALL staff members must be active.​

    • You don't need to be online/available every single day, but please make sure that you'd actually have time here and there to help out (:​


Q: Is creating assignments hard?

A: Nope! It's actually really fun! All assignments are created online through Google Forms which we'll help you with. 

Q: Can I be a staff member and have a doll enrolled?

A: Absolutely!

Q: Will I get help with being a staff member?

A: Of course! We will provide lots of help for you and help you get set up. We also provide an assortment of simple guides that you can read/view for assistance as well.


Step 1: View the available positions below.

We will update this list as needed. The positions below are available staff roles that are up for grabs! The application form will ask you what positions you'd be interested in taking, so keep in mind which ones you'd like to take. Keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will get hired or get that rule. Also keep in mind that if you do get accepted to be in charge of that rule, you will carry that responsibility!

You can apply for...





(Roles highlighted in grey are not available)


Teaching Roles:

  • PCA Minis (1 needed)

  • Art Class (1 needed)

  • Beginner's Math (1 needed)

  • Science Class (1 needed)

  • Cooking Class (1 needed)

  • Art of Memes (1 needed)

  • Video Game Studies (1 needed)

  • Fashion Design (1 needed)

  • Makeup Design (1 needed)

  • ​Outdoor Studies (1 needed)

  • Technology (1 needed)


Club Leaders:

  • Cheerleading Coach (1-2 needed)

  • Soccer Coach (1 available)

  • Dance Coach (1-2 needed)



  • Student Help/Social Media Manager (1 available)

Step 2: Fill out the application below.

Please be accurate, truthful, and detailed in your answers.

Step 3: Patiently wait!

We will review your application. We may wait until we get a certain number of applications before we look at them and make decisions, so please be patient in the mean time.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


The website isn't finished right now, so please refrain from exploring the website just yet. There's unfinished pages and non-working links, so the website isn't 100% usuable yet.

Please exit this page once you've finished the form. =)

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